Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday morning update and cropping projections

It's a beautiful Sunday morning here on the farm, and I'm getting in a little rest while I can. With two employees and my father working this weekend I've been able to sleep in the last two mornings until about 5am. Between breakfast and church services my father and I will move the milking herd over into their daily grazing pasture, and then we'll get cranked back up and going about 1pm.

I expect I'll be in the barn this afternoon with our milk hand while one of our employees takes care of building and feeding the herd's TMR and my father dry bales the remaining ryegrass we have on the ground. Once we've finished with the cows, I'm planning on loading my son up in the tractor with me while I start cutting down the ryegrass/triticale in the ten acre field across the road from my house.

We'll start chopping silage again on Monday, but we'll be taking the JD 4255 off of the feedwagon to pull the forage harvester until we can get our International's injector pump problem solved. This game of musical tractors will find the Case taken off the cutter-conditioner and hooked to the JayLor.

We still have roughly 80 more acres of forage to harvest. After the ten acres in front of my house is harvested, we'll prioritze 40 acres of rye and volunteer ryegrass that is growing on bermudagrass hayfields. The remaining 30 acres is a combination of ryegrass, wheat, and triticale that's spread across two fields that we'll drill sudex on later this summer.

The wildcard in all of this (other than more mechanical problems) is our 60 acres in Yellow Creek bottom. Our window for planting corn in those fields runs through about mid-May. It has been so wet down there that it looks like we'll have to break the surface to get it in any sort of condition to plant. After a week of dry, hot weather and what's looking to be another just like it, it's probably going to finally be dry enough to run equipment over by the middle of this coming week. Depending on how the harvest is going and what the weather forecast says, we may stop what we're doing for a couple of days to get the ground opened up in the bottom. If so, we can go back as soon as the harvest is completed (and any rain between now and then has dried off) and lighly break and smooth the ground ahead of the planter.

By the way, the cows are still hanging in there pretty good. We'll probably dry off about a half-dozen this week but should still stay above 200 in milk for a little while longer.

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